Minutes of the Annual Meeting, November 17, 2007

The Vice-Chair, Tom Eagan, called the meeting to order at the Cathedral of St. John in Providence, RI at 5:46 PM and introduced himself.

Attending: Tom Eagan, acting-Vice-Chair/Treasurer; Larry Rollins, Jerry Bernardini, Past-chair; John Fontaine, Secretary; Chris Shafer, Activities; PJ Bailey, Membership chair; Linda Pease, Conservation; Susan Jones, Mary Boneventure & Tricia Bailey, Membership Vice Chairs; Mark Dennen, Communications Chair; Mike Krabach, Webmaster; Jack Schempp, Conservation; Debbie Mitchell, incoming Treasurer; Herrick Spencer, Local Hikes; Marcie Madsen, Biking; Ilse Hill, Newsletter Editor; Shannon Kelley, Photographer/Journalist.

An estimated 65 chapter members were present in addition to the Board members listed.

Tom opened the meeting with a moment of silence recognizing chapter members who passed away during the past year.

Chair’s Report:
The 2007 Annual Report was distributed to the members present. The minutes of the Chapter Annual Chapter Meeting of November 2006 was approved.

Tom reviewed the report summarizing the many activities which took place in the chapter in 2007.

Treasurers Report was reviewed. The 2007 Treasurer's report was then approved.

Tom introduced the current Chapter Board and the proposed Board for 2008.

Proposed Executive Board for 2008
Chair: Gene Mihaly
Vice Chair: Tom Eagan
Secretary: John Fontaine
Treasurer: Debbie Mitchell

Membership Chair: PJ Bailey
Membership Vice Chairs: Tricia Bailey, Mary Bonaventure and Susan Jones
Communications Chair- Mark Dennen
Activities Chair- Chris Shafer
Leadership Chair- Charlie Killam
Conservation Co-chairs- Jack Schempp and Linda Pease
Trail Chair- open
Past Chair- Jerry Bernardini

Proposed Chapter Board for 2008 was voted on and approved.

Tom then recognized the past Chairs Jerry Bernardini and Larry Rollins.

Tom introduced Chris Shafer, the Activities Chair. Chris presented New Leader Patches to the new leaders present at the meeting who had led or co-led at least 3 trips within the past two years. He also recognized the list of prolific leaders.

Chris recognized the trails Stewardship Award recipients.

Chris introduced Linda Pease of the Conservation Committee.

She introduced the Conservation Committee members.

Their award for the “Unsung-Stewardship” conservation award was given to Herrick Spencer. She also recognized other conservation contributors.

Tom recognized the 25-year chapter members and awarded them pins. Ron Williams was present and received his award.

Larry Rollins was called up to present the John Clark Award.

He discussed the John Clark Award and its attributes as the award for the unsung hero of the chapter. Larry gave a great intro to this significant contributor. This year the award was given to Chris Shafer.

Tom notified the group that the recipient of the Appie of the Year was not present at the meeting; therefore it would be awarded in the future to the recipient.

Dinner was served 6:25

After dinner Tom introduced Sabrina Parra Garcia, the Joy St. representative for the AMC. She spoke a bit on the AMCs activities.

Trails challenge.
100 year anniversary of the White Mountain Guide now being offered on-line.
The north woods initiative.
She also spoke of the organizations renewable energy activities.
They are also working on reducing the carbon footprint of the AMC headquarters and major buildings.

Tom introduced the REI Outreach Specialist
, Katie Ulvin who introduced Charles Gray and his presentation on Tibet and Cho Oyo. We thanked REI for their generosity in sponsoring the presentation.

The formal business meeting adjourned at 7:20pm.

Respectfully submitted,

John G. Fontaine, Secretary

2007 Annual Report

Narragansett Chapter
Appalachian Mountain Club

Report of the Chapter Chair

The Narragansett Chapter has had a good year. Our full calendar of trips, work in the field, and events has given satisfaction and pleasure to participants, leaders and organizers. Our service work, notably on trails in the state, has been effective and it has been well appreciated.

The Chapter is in very good financial condition, as you’ll see in the Treasurer’s Report. There is another facet to this picture, however. We have more than 2,600 members. Of that number well under 1,000 take advantage of and participate in our programs. Some members, no doubt maintain their membership as a way of supporting AMC’s public environmental activity. That is admirable and we value such support. Others, I believe, would participate actively if their connections to the club – including the flow of information from it – were stronger. The Executive Board sees this as a serious challenge has been looking at the issue and will be doing so with increasing intensity in the coming year. We shall also be exploring how to increase the Chapter’s public footprint. We do great work on trails and conservation. But we can and should do more. This year’s size of our membership, in a small state, gives us the potential to weigh in - and very effectively – on key environmental decisions facing our communities.

Included in this annual report you will find a summary of the actions taken by the Executive Committee during the past year and Committee Reports, which summarize the many projects and activities conducted by our leaders and volunteers. Also included is a long list of the leaders who volunteer their time and talent to the Chapter. These are the people that make the Chapter so successful. I would suggest that you take time after this annual meeting to review the Committee Reports attached. I’m sure you will take great pride, as I do, in the many accomplishments of our Chapter and in being a member of such an active organization.

Gene Mihaly
Narragansett Chapter Chair

Minutes of the Annual Meeting, November 18, 2006

The Chair, Jerry Bernadini, called the meeting to order at the Cathedral of St. John in Providence, RI at 5:47 PM and introduced himself.

Attending: Jerry Bernardini, Chair; Eugene Mihaly, Vice-chair; Larry Rollins, Past-chair; John Fontaine, Secretary; Chris Shafer, Activities; Maria Earley, Membership; Linda Pease, Conservation; Anne LeClerc, Trails; Steve Morra, outgoing Communications; Mark Dennen incoming Communications Chair; Charlie Killam, Leadership Development; Brian Phillips & Peter Barlow, Technical Climbing; Bill Rush, Sea Kayaking; and Mike Krabach, Webmaster; Jack Schempp, Conservation, Herrick Spenser, incoming local hikes.

An estimated 70 chapter members were present in addition to the Board members listed.

Chair’s Report:
The 2006 Annual Report was distributed to the members present. The Minutes of the last Annual Chapter Meeting of November 2005 was approved.

Treasurers Report was reviewed. The 2006 Treasurers report was then approved.

Jerry introduced the Current Chapter Board and the proposed Board for 2007.

Proposed Executive Board for 2007

Chair: Gene Mihaly

Vice Chair: Ann LeClerc
Secretary: John Fontaine
Treasurer: Tom Eagan
Membership Chair: PJ Bailey,
Membership Vice Chairs: Tricia Bailey, Mary Bonaventure and Susan Jones
Communications Chair- Mark Dennen
Activities Chair- Chris Shafer
Leadership Chair- Charlie Killam
Conservation Co-chairs- Jack Schempp and Linda Pease
Trail Co-chairs- Anne LeClerc and Jodi Imms
Past Chair- Jerry Bernardini

Proposed chapter leadership was voted on and approved.

The new Chair Gene Mihaly then took over the meeting.

The Activity Leaders were announced.

Leadership changes for 2007:
Local Hikes: Herrick Spenser

Activity leaders each gave a short speech
Mike Krabach- Biking
Linda Pease –Flatwater
Lou Jacobs/Herrick Spencer- Local Hikes
Chris Shafer (for Dan Reardon) – Skiing
Charlie Killam ( for Henry Donaldson)- Northern Hikes
Brian Phillips- Tech Climbing
Beverly Thomas (for Bill Rush)- Sea Kayaking
Mike Krabach for the Web

Chris reviewed the bylaw change motion to Article VI of the by-laws, which will allow for temporary suspension of any by-law or portion thereof (example- for temporary Board position term extensions as required until a replacement is found). Questions were fielded. When everyone was satisfied, the bylaw change was voted and approved.

Gene discussed the chapter goal to increase membership as well as increase participation rate of member. His hopes are to have the Narragansett AMC have a larger impact on the area.

Gene then recognized the past Chairs Jerry Bernardini and Larry Rollins.

Gene then introduced Chris Shafer, the Activities Chair. He presented New Leader Patches to the new leaders present who had led or co-led at least 3 trips. He also recognized the list of Prolific Leaders.

Gene recognized the members who joined during different periods from 1yr to 25ys +.

The 25-year chapter members were recognized.
Bev Thomas and others
were presented their pins.

Steve Morra discussed the John Clark Award and its attributes as the award for the unsung hero of the chapter. This year the award was given to two very deserving individuals.

Steve Morra presented the first
John Clark Award to Larry Rollins as the past Chapter Chair who is still very involved in monthly meeting and many other activities.

Jack Schempp awarded the second award to Dick Sullivan who is a well respected and liked trip leader.

Gene then reviewed the list of past Appie of the Year recipients and Brian Philips was called up to present the Appie of the Year Award. It was awarded to Peter Barlow. Peter has managed the Tech. Climbing Committee successfully for decades.

Dinner was served 6:50

After dinner a few more business items were covered.

Gene introduced
a representative from Joy St. She applauded our Chapter for a fine job hosting the Interchapter Fall Gathering.

Anne LeClerc and Linda Pease, presented Stewardship awards to those who had worked over 12 hours for the Trails and Conservation committees.

The formal business meeting adjourned at 7:20.

The meeting was followed by a presentation on their trip climbing the Eiger in Switzerland last year. It was an exciting presentation on the challenges of climbing a mountain with a long reputation of deaths.

Respectfully submitted,
John G. Fontaine, Secretary

Actions of the Executive Board - 2007

In addition to routine matters like approving the Minutes and Budget, the Board passed the following motions:

Other Chapter notables from the year.


Narragansett Chapter
Appalachian Mountain Club

Committee Reports - 2007

Trails Committee

The AMC Narragansett Chapter Trails Committee had a total of 120 volunteers working on a variety of projects in the November 2006 thru October 2007 season. Nearly 1,350 volunteer hours were logged in various planning and trail maintenance activities. New relationships with REI and NEMBA resulted in a number of new volunteers coming out to work on AMC projects. Of this total, 279 hours were spent on administrative activities and 1,063 hours were spent working on the trails of Rhode Island. This year 18 volunteers received the Stewardship Society Award for contributing 12 or more hours in the planning and/or working on trail projects.

Major projects completed this year were the installation of waterbars and boardwalks and general maintenance on the Vin Gormley and North-South Trails in Burlingame, installation of boardwalks on a trail in Barrington, and installation of a rock turnpike, bog bridges, and waterbars on the Breakheart Trail, which was also our National Trails Day site. An ongoing relationship with the Neutaconkanut Hill Association led to a successful joint project on Earth Day installing log steps and waterbars on that trail. Significant time was spent brushing, blazing, and general maintenance on the Arcadia trails.

Two other major projects required significant planning work this year, but have not been completed. A new toolshed will be built the first week of November in Arcadia. The Trails Committee extends its thanks to DEM for agreeing to let us put up the shed in the park. A new bridge will be built on the Narragansett trail at Ell Pond-Long Pond with the assistance of the National Guard to move materials into the area.

Trail maintenance is a necessary and rewarding activity. We continue to see an increase in the number of volunteers. We are very grateful to all of the volunteers and we look forward to working with them again soon.

Technical Climbing Sub-Committee

The Technical Climbing Sub-Committee had another very active and successful year. We have maintained our usual size of about thirty active members which spans long time group members to new members from this year’s classes. The Beginner and Intermediate climbing classes have been dwindling in numbers in recent years probably due to competition from rock gyms and new local guiding services or that the boom in climbing has reached its plateau. This year there were 13 students in the Beginner course and 12 in the Intermediate course. This was a very dedicated group as almost all the Beginner students went on to the Intermediate course and the majority of Intermediate students went on to climb with the group during the trips.

We held social events, classes, or trips in every month except December and March. This year’s climbing trips were very well attended with lots of fun and no injuries. Thanks to the ongoing support and efforts of this year’s trip leaders and co-leaders.

Brian Phillips and Peter Barlow, Co-Chairs Technical Climbing Committee

Biking Committee

This year we scheduled over 50 week end and mid week rides!! Our Spring Fling rides saw many new members who liked what they saw and participated in many rides throughout the summer.

Our Tuesday and Thursday evening rides were frequently well attended. During May, June, July and August we offered 18 evening rides of between 10 and 25 miles. It has become apparent these rides are well liked and well received and we hope these rides will remain as popular in the coming years. The traditional rides, Clam Cake, Pasta Challenge, Watch Hill, various Bike Paths, remain very popular and many participants comment they look forward to them.

Dick Schaffner and Sid Wax continue to be our chapter heroes, our workhorses if you will, as far as leading bike rides. They lead or co-lead over 17 rides combined. Their love of cycling and their enthusiasm is to be applauded. Even though Steve Morra “tried” to ease off his leading, he still managed a respectable 2 leads and 2 co-leads this summer. I am happy to say this summer brought forward at least 3 new ride leaders to our chapter. While a few of them only got their feet wet with a co-lead or two, they are none the less getting involved….which is what it’s all about! Even our local hiking chair, Spencer Herrick, lead a couple of rides. I commend EVERY bike leader and co-leader for their commitment to our chapter.

I look forward to working with our many bike leaders again and hopefully inspire new leaders for the 2008 riding season.

Marcie Madsen Co-Chair Biking Committee

Backpacking and Northern Hiking Activities

We’ve enjoyed another excellent year of hiking and backpacking. During the last year our group sponsored 37 activities run by 21 leaders and co-leaders. Our leaders provided activities ranging from the popular day hikes in the Pack-Monadnock and the Holyoke range to winter backpack trips in the White Mountains. Hikes were offered in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine. Overnighters to AMC huts such as remained popular. Trips to ‘drive up’ AMC facilities such as the Pinkham Notch Visitor Center were well attended & thoroughly enjoyed, as were trips to private facilities and campgrounds.

Backpack trips were run in New Hampshire and included beginner summer trips and winter backpacks.

Three of our leaders are instructors at AMC’s Mountain Leadership School. Some of our leaders offer inter-chapter trips, and one of our leaders led and co-led at August Camp. Our leaders also serve as resources to the Leadership Development Committee for workshops and trips.

In terms of skills advancement, we again offered workshops in map & compass and winter mountain safety, which were well attended and very well received. Our Step by Step hiking series, which gradually exposes local hikers to mountain hiking skills and conditions, continued to attract much interest.

Thank you to our northern hikes leaders and co-leaders, who gave us so many fine activities this year. Special thanks goes to Henry Donaldson, who chaired this committee for the last two years.

Ed Poyer, Sub Chair, Backpacking & Northern Hiking Sub Committee

Conservation Committee Activities

This year a total of 22 Conservation Events were held.

Two "hands on events" included a trails renovation project at Neutaconkanut Hill Park with the Trails Committee and an Earth Day Clean Up at Colt Park. We were pleased to receive volunteer assistance from Bryant U. for the former and Roger Williams U for the latter. We will make an effort to invite more students to participate in the future. Boosting Attendance

Thirteen events included commentary by acknowledged experts seemed to improve turnout. Two of the best attended events were held out of state and in conjunction with recreation activity: one at Cape Cod --- recreation and field trip with an Audubon-Wellfleet Naturalist. The other, at Squam Lake with a fascinating presentation by the Director of the NH Loon Center. We will continue to seek opportunities to combine conservation with recreation to create a larger audience for issues relating to nature.

Outreach: We co-sponsored a presentation of Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth (Global Warming)"video with Environment Council. More than 60 attended including members of other environmental interest groups and the public. A Gore-trained commentator facilitated discussion after the event. We believe that community outreach will benefit our chapter and RI communities.

At the annual Earth Day Event we promoted Back Yard Habitats: conversion of lawn and other space to native bushes and plants that draw birds & butterflies and provided advice on how to get started. Results: Over 100 discussions with potential gardeners.

Advocacy: The Conservation Committee also participates in advocacy on the local, state, regional and national levels relating to open space, forest and wildlife issues. We also support AMC environment Hot Line initiatives.

In September, member Yvonne Federowicz helped organize a protest against a developer's proposal to convert open space zoning to create a new condo development. Several committee members attended the protest meeting.

Appreciation: Many thanks to Committee members for their ideas, enthusiasm, leadership, and diligence: Patty D'Ambra, Judy Boss, Roseann Evans, Barbara Flagg, Yvonne Federowicz, Ilse Hill, Carol Richard and John Stevens and Robert Sumner-Mack as well as the chapter Officers and members who supported our efforts.

In total, about 400 members and friends attended the 2007 conservation events.

Jack Schempp & Linda Pease, Co-Chairs, Conservation Committee

Flatwater Paddling & Sea Kayaking Report

This year’s paddling season was very unpredictable, resulting in a rather short season. We ran 23 separate and combined events this year, and several paddles were cancelled due to bad weather.

We added a brand new paddle this year, thanks to Herrick Spencer who introduced us to Central Pond/Ten Mile River. It was fun paddling through Slater Park up to Armistice Blvd. in Pawtucket. We put in from route 152 in East Providence, circumnavigated the huge pond and frightened a swan in one of the hidden inlets before heading up river through the park. Herrick and Antoinette Breed teamed up to lead this paddle. All our other paddles were ones we’ve done before with minor changes like the two redhead Ninigret paddle which became “one redhead and a brunette” paddle this year.

BIG BONUS: There’s a lot more there than just water. While paddling, we noticed people walking on the other side of the bushes along the water. Then we saw bikers! Herrick said there was a bike path that ran from East Providence through Slater Park for a 6 mile round trip. Antoinette suggested a bike ride. We took those six miles and added mileage in Rehoboth which is a half mile away and created a brand new 26 mile. The bonus is that we got a two-fer out of Herrick’s initial paddle. We invite anyone to suggest ideas for paddle destinations that can be turned into other activities, or suggest other activities that we can turn into paddles.

We had our most successful participant training in July this year. In the morning we always hold a ground school class. We address topics such as hypothermia, clothing, hydration/nutrition, necessary equipment such as lights, compasses, maps and many other aspects of paddling. This year, we related just about everything we taught to the fact that it all applies to other sports. Everyone left with information they can apply to any outdoor activity.

In the afternoon, we hit the water. We don’t insist that participants try the rescues that we demonstrate, but almost everyone tried and they were all successful at learning a rescue technique. We had a husband and wife team who left with the confidence that they could rescue each other. All the participants left with confidence and knowledge to paddle safe and rescue themselves or others, should the need arise. The instructors, who are all chapter leaders, left with the satisfaction of a job very well done.

We are happy that we have a great group of core leaders. We are also extremely pleased that many of our sea kayaker leaders cross over and do flat water trips, and many of our predominantly flat water leaders can either co-lead or participate in the sea kayak trips.

We hope you’ll join us next year.
Linda Pease
Flatwater sub-chair

Local Hike Committee

Fifty two local walks events where planned, listed, and led this year. These local walks continue to be important to new members as a source of information from established members, and helps them meeting members in the Chapter. Local walks are also not as seasonally impacted by the weather and provide continuity year around for members.

63 local hikes (non-Wednesday walks) where planned and listed in the Chapter Gazette for the year. Three quarters of these where done December through June. Once the warm weather arrives not many people want to go on local hikes. This is also reduces the participation in Wednesday hikes. During that time members tend to do other chapter summer activities. There where only two hikes in May, three hikes in July, none in August. The number of local hike events would appear to be adequate during the peak hiking season.

Local Hike leadership: Maria Earley, Linda Pease and Bob Cilette assisted in new leadership guidance for new leaders. Susan Jones led hikes for new members. There appears to be gender gap in our chapter and we need to get more men to join and participate in activities.

The November 18, 2006 leadership Development workshop held by Charlie Killam was well attended. One individual has completed the local hike leadership training requirements this year. Currently some new hike leaders are needed to replace those discontinuing leading hikes.

I would like to suggest that active hike leaders, and those leaders that are discontinuing leading hikes document some of their hikes. This will enable new leaders to pick up hikes only well known to people who have discontinued these hikes. This would make it easier and save preparation time for new leaders to lead these hikes.

The documented information suggested would include location, meeting place, directions to the trailhead, and some general information about the hiking trail. This information then would be archived with the activities chair to be called on as needed

Herrick Spencer, Local hikes sub chair

Membership Committee Report

Stretching for Outdoor Activities - February 2007

The Stretch program, conducted by NutriFit, was designed to show new members the appropriate ways to warm-up and stretch before hiking, biking, and kayaking. The program was well received and the Committee is considering offering the same program to all members in 2008.

New Member WELCOME at Spring Fling - May 2007

The Membership Committee welcomed both new and old members at the Spring Fling in the gorgeous Matunuck Beach area. Members were greeted and provided with updated information on AMC offerings and Narragansett Chapter Activities. A special thanks to our sponsors, AMC Joy Street, REI-Cranston and EMS for our raffle items.

New Member Weekend at AMC’s Highland Center, New Hampshire - August 2007

Perhaps our most successful event of 2007! We had a fabulous time at AMC’s Highland Center. The weekend included a group dinner, an evening walk, hikes for all levels, games, and quiet time for everyone. By popular demand, the Committee will be organizing an AMC multi-hut hike for 2008 – so stay tuned.

Annual Potluck Dinner & Member Orientation - September 2007

The highly anticipated Annual Potluck Dinner and New Member Orientation to the Club was held in September 2007 at St. John’s Church in Providence. This event gives all members a chance to meet, eat and learn about all the AMC Narragansett Chapter has to offer its members.

The Committee also conducted eight (8) new member walks at various locations in RI and attended several local Health/Wellness Fairs.

In 2008, the Committee will focus on new marketing strategies, including a new member referral program, updated AMC Narragansett Chapter gear like t-shirts, bags, etc. In addition, the Hut to Hut Hike in the Whites is expected to be a major event for 2008. The Committee welcomes comments and suggestions on our programs, please contact any one of the Membership representatives to voice your thoughts.

Lastly, we would like to acknowledge the many years of leadership and hard work that the former Membership Chair, Maria Earley gave to the Chapter. Maria provided the assistance needed to transition to the new Committee, and we sincerely thank her.

Thank you for your continued support of the Narragansett Chapter. We look forward to seeing you all in 2008.

Your Membership Committee,

PJ Bailey
Membership Chairperson

Tricia Bailey, Mary Bonaventure & Susan Jones
Membership Vice-Chairs

Communications Report

This year, Mark Dennen assumed the responsibility of Communications Chair, with Steve Morra continuing to serve in an advisory capacity. Ilse Hill and Mike Krabach continue in their roles as Newsletter Editor and Web Master respectively.

This year Mike Krabach made web site improvements and conducted training to accommodate the new policy of requiring all trips to be submitted via the chapter web site, so that all activities will be listed in the database.

The chapter is also preparing to offer paperless distribution of the gazette. We are still debating what format it will take (pdf, HTML, web link).

Shannon Kelley has volunteered to step into a role as photographer and writer to work on press releases and articles for the Gazette to raise our profile in the community.

Leadership Development Sub-Committee

During 2007, the Leadership Development Committee continued to support the activities committees’ leader development. We worked with other committee chairs and sub-chairs, and are substantially helped by the general membership.

Wilderness First Aid Workshop was held in April 2007. It was held at Camp Hoffman, and was attending by 37 participants – 19 chapter leaders, 14 chapter members and 4 non-members. This course was coordinated by committee member Charlie Killam, with steadfast help from registrar Linda Pease.

In May 2007, the committee conducted a Map & Compass Workshop. The workshop, which was taught by Ed Poyer and others, was attended by 15 participants. It followed the format of prior years, with one night of classroom and one day of field practice at Arcadia.

In November, 2006, there was a one day Leadership Development Workshop, which was held at the WPWA headquarters in Hope Valley, and was attended by 10 potential new chapter leaders. The workshop focused on leadership skills and methods necessary for conducting all chapter activities. Many thanks to Ed and Denise Poyer for their assistance.

In April 2008, the committee will again be producing a SOLO Wilderness First Aid Workshop, to be held at Camp Hoffman in So. Kingston. We plan to offer basic WFA every year, with advanced courses subject to funding and interest level.

In May 2008, the committee will be conducting a Map & Compass Workshop. The workshop will follow the format of prior years, with one night of classroom and one day of field practice at Arcadia.

I’d like to thank the Leadership Development Committee for their help this past year.

Charlie Killam, Chair, Leadership Development Committee

Treasurers’ Report

An easy and often most accurate way to assess the financial health of an organization is to look at how much money is sitting in the checking account as compared to the entity’s annual operating expenses. At the end of October, 2007 we have $31,400 in the chapter’s checking account and pooled investment account with Joy St. This figure does not reflect another $7,300 in trails/hiking advances that will be reimbursed by year-end. So essentially, the chapter has approximately $38,700 in checking and investments at the end of October.

When one considers that our operating expenses typically run about $20,000, we are in very good financial position. In fact, the Executive Board is currently studying ways to invest some of our operating reserves to improve the strength and vitality of our chapter. A schedule summarizing our operating revenues and expense through the end of October, 2007 is attached.

This will be my last report as Chapter Treasurer, since I will be leaving this position to become Vice-Chair of the Chapter. When I became Chapter Treasurer in September of 2003, I literally was given a check book, a box of files, a brief orientation and the best wishes of my predecessor. I have learned a great deal about the financial and administrative operations of the Chapter and the Club over the last 4 years and look forward to my new role and the challenges it will bring. I leave this position with great confidence in our new Treasurer and with the comfort that the Chapter is in a strong financial position. My thanks to the former and current Executive Board members that I have worked with, who have helped me fulfill my responsibilities as Chapter Treasurer and I look forward to working with the new Executive Board in 2008.

Tom Eagan, Chapter Treasurer


Year 2007 Qualifiers for Narragansett Chapter Leader Patch

Those new leaders that have led or co-led at least three trips cumulatively over the past two years.

Sandy Barber (Paddling)
Angie Bollich (Technical Climbing)
Donna Chellis (Local Hiking)
Richard Chellis (Local Hiking)
Susan Jones (Local Hiking)
Mike Parker (Trails)
Sue Warthman (Northern Hiking)

Prolific Leaders- Led/Administered Several 2006 and 2007 Activities

Those leaders that have led or co-led at least three trips in each of 2006 and 2007 or who have led or co-led at least six trips cumulatively during these two years.

Nancy Baker (Bicycling)
Peter Barlow (Technical Climbing)
Sean Buckley (Northern Hiking)
Bob Cilette (Wednesday Night Events & Local Hiking)
Jennie Crooks (Trails)
Henry Cruciani (Trails)
Patty D’Ambra (Conservation and Local Hiking)
Aram Deradoorian (Local Hiking)
Jim Dowling (Trails)
Jim Dunn (Northern Hiking)
Sandy Dunn (Local Hiking)
Maria Earley (Local Hiking & Trails)
John Feather (Local Hiking)
Barbara Flagg (Conservation, Bicycling & Sea Kayaking)
John Fontaine (Technical Climbing)
Anne Fusco (Sea Kayaking & Flatwater Paddling)
Janet Harris (Local Hiking)
Steve Harrison (Northern Hiking & Local Hiking)
Maryanne Heywood (Local Hiking)
Adele Holcombe (Local Hiking)
Bob Holcombe (Local Hiking & Trails)
Lou Jacobs (Local Hiking)
Roberta Jacobs (Local Hiking)
Gwen Jones (Northern Hiking)
Charlie Killam (Northern Hiking & Leadership Training Events)
Mike Krabach (Sea Kayaking, Bicycling, & Conservation))
Marcie Madsen (Bicycling)
Mike Martin (Local Hiking & Northern Hiking)
Katherine Mears (Trails & Local Hiking)
Steve Morra (Bicycling & Flatwater Paddling)
Linda Pease (Conservation, Flatwater Paddling, Bicycling, Local & Northern Hiking)
Brian Phillips (Technical Climbing)
Joe Piotti (Northern Hiking)
Denise Poyer (Northern Hiking & Flatwater Paddling)
Ed Poyer (Northern Hiking & Leadership Training Events)
Carol Richards (Bicycling)
John Ross (Local Hiking)
Bill Rush (Sea Kayaking, Flatwater Paddling and Bicycling)
Richard Schaffner (Bicycling)
Jack Schempp (Conservation, Trails, Skiing, Bicycling, & Hiking)
Chris Shafer (Trails, Skiing, Hiking, & Flatwater paddling)
Herrick Spencer (Local Hiking, Bicycling, & Flatwater Paddling)
John Stevens (Local and Northern Hiking)
Dick Sullivan (Local Hiking)
Robert Sumner-Mack (Conservation)
Sid Wax (Bicycling & Local Hiking)

Thanks To the Other 2007 Outdoor Leaders, Also!
Bicycling- Antoinette Breed, Sue McMillan, Judy Nacci
Conservation - Betty Allen & Ken Weber (naturalists), Judy Boss, Roseann Evans, Yvonne Federowicz, Ilse Hill
Local Hiking - Richard Hjerpe, Karen Stein, Gail Trapp
Northern Hiking - Peter Broderick, Fred Griffith, Tom Grasso, Bob Janus, Debra Stepinwall, Dale Stefano, Hiking Beth Sutton, Tracy Sweeney
Paddling- Antoinette Breed, Ruth Strach, Bev Thomas, Gary Whitney
Skiing - Dan Kutcher, Greg Mannesto
Technical Climbing - Peter Berard, Dave Curry, Joe Goudreau, Marilyn Grant, Linda Phelan, Jennifer Reed
Trails - Roy Benoit, Martha Cruciani, Marjorie Gaunt, Dave Gavitt, Jodi Imms, Steve Imms, Barbara Kilcup, Anne LeClerc, Al Pointe
Young Adult Committee - Andrew Shearer